Access & Recreational Events
JAHAMA Highland Estates includes some of the most popular recreational land in the UK.
Upcoming Events Calendar
Our property includes parts of Ben Nevis, Aonach Mòr, Glen Nevis, long sections of the West Highland Way and the East Highland Way, the Grey Corries, the Mamores, parts of the Monadhliath range and the Corrieyairack Pass. Many of these areas are fragile designated sites, and events require prior consent from the relevant authorities and from the Estate. We have a dedicated staff member to help assist with the consents process, and require organisers to work proactively with us to ensure events run sustainably.
To help the Estate manage the cost of repairs and maintenance relating to access, we may charge an appropriate fee depending on the type and scale of event proposed. This is considered on a case-by-case basis. In addition, a minimum of £10m public liability insurance is required on our property.