Our Vision & Strategy
Our Vision - What will we become?
Jahama Highland Estates is a beacon of inspiration for landscape-based asset management. Driven by our passion for achieving equity across the environment, the economy and the communities that comprise the JHE landholding, we sustain:
Thriving and confident communities rooted in an inspiring landscape.
Stewardship of our assets for a viable present and a safeguarded future, mindful always of the past.
Adaptive and cohesive natural resource management within a changing climate.
Connectivity of stakeholders, creating opportunities and facilitating positive change.
Challenging anachronistic narratives of rural asset management.
A strong and participatory culture: our resources and communities feel alive and cherished..
Our Strategy – How will we deliver our Vision?
JHE provides the energy catchment for our industrial sister companies Alvance Aluminium (Lochaber) and SIMEC, within the overarching GFG Alliance: this is the catalyst for our existence, but it is only one part of our remit. JHE is a multi-layered landholding with complex strategic goals:
The regeneration of our rural asset-based enterprises transforms JHE into an economically sustainable entity by 2027.
We lead the GFG Alliance carbon-neutral 2030 objective, completing our Natural Capital valuation and implementing competent natural resource management decisions.
We facilitate sustainable community endeavours for the greater good of our shared culture.
We enable economic prosperity internally and externally to underpin that shared culture.
We engage proactively with our many stakeholders for positive collaborative outcomes.
We facilitate the reconnection of people and place through natural resource-based recreation, sustenance, employment and habitation.
We take active and holistic management decisions to add value; no single outcome is considered in isolation.